Education System in China and US

What are the differences?

Xingbang Liu / Sheldon

going to school flickr photo by WabbitWanderer shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

  • What are your impresions on Chinese education?
  • Mainland China

Education Philosophies (Objectives) / China

    1.Education should serve socialism as well as the people

    2.Education should develop students as qualified contributors to socialism and as inheritors who develop across the board in the moral, the intellectual, the physical, the aesthetic

    3.Education should be combined with social practices


Curriculum reform in contemporary China: seven goals and six strategies

Education Philosophies (Objectives) / US

    1.School Readiness

    2.School Completion

    3.Student Achievement and Citizenship

    4.Teacher Education and Professional Development

    5.Mathematics and Science

    6.Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning

    7.Safe, Disciplined, and Alcohol- and Drug-Free Schools

    8.Parental Participation


National Education Goals

Compulsory Education / China

  • Under Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China 04-12-1986
  • Mostly 9 Years including 6 years of elementry school and 3 years of middle school
  • Some minority area and developed area are 12 years including 3 years of high school


Educational Statistics in 2017
China Elementry School Net Enrollment Rate

Compulsory Education / US

  • K-12
  • Elementry School: k-5
  • Middle School: 6-8
  • High School: 9-12

Attendence Age / China

  • School-age Children: 6 - 15
  • Minimum age restriction range:6 - 7
  • Maximum age restriction:15


Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China

Attendence Age / US

  • Varies in different states
  • Minimum age restriction range: 3 (Massachusetts) - 6 (Arizona, Pennsylvania)
  • Maximum age restriction range: 17 (Alabama) - ∞ (DC, Kansas, Vermont)


Compulsory school attendance laws, 2017

Teacher Qualification / China

  • National teachers’ qualification examinations
  • The acdemic background should be higher than the local policy stated
  • No criminal records


Teachers Law of the People’s Republic of China

Teacher Qualification / US

  • At least bachelor’s degree
  • Classroom experience
  • Depending on school type, teacher shall have certain license or certification



Standard Curriculum / China

  • The New Curriculum Standard
  • People's Education Press, Jiangsu Education Press, Ministry of Education

Standard Curriculum / US

  • No national curriculum in primary and secondary education, the standards set by states
  • Postsecondary standards set by individual institutions


Structure of the U.S. Education System: Curriculum and Content Standards

National Public Education Policies / China

  • Education Law of the People’s Republic of China
  • Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China
  • Teachers Law of the People’s Republic of China
  • ...More...


Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Laws and Policies

National Public Education Policies / US

  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
  • ...More...


Policy Guidance

The End